When to plant gladiolus?
The best time to plant gladiolus is in spring, once the risk of frost has passed. This is usually from April to early June. By planting the bulbs at intervals of a few weeks, you can extend the blooming period and enjoy their beautiful colors all summer long. The latest time to plant gladiolus bulbs is around June 21 (the longest day), allowing them to bloom in October. The growth period from planting to flowering is approximately 70–100 days. If you plant them earlier in colder soil, it may take 100–120 days.
How to plant gladiolus?
- Prepare the soil: loosen the soil and add compost or organic fertilizer for extra nutrients.
- Plant the bulbs: place the bulbs about 10 cm deep with the pointed side up. Leave 10–15 cm of space between bulbs for proper growth.
- Watering: water immediately after planting, but ensure the soil does not become waterlogged.
Caring for your gladiolus
- Watering: water regularly, especially during dry periods.
- Support: gladiolus can grow up to 1.2 meters tall. Use bamboo stakes or plant supports to prevent them from falling over.
- Fertilizing: apply additional nutrients, such as potassium-rich fertilizer, halfway through the growing season to promote blooming.
Gladiolus bulbs have a slightly flattened shape and a reddish-purple hue, different from tulip or narcissus bulbs.
The perfect spot for gladiolus
Gladiolus love the sun, so choose a location where they receive at least six hours of sunlight per day. The soil should be well-drained, as these flowers do not like wet conditions.
Why not in pots?
While it may be tempting to plant gladiolus in pots, we do not recommend it. Gladiolus develop deep roots and tall stems, making them less stable in containers. They also require rich, loose soil to grow and bloom properly. In a pot, the soil dries out more quickly, requiring extra care and watering. For the best results, plant them in the ground instead.
How tall do gladiolus flowers grow?
The height of gladiolus depends on the variety, ranging from 100 to 130 cm:
- Large-flowered gladiolus grow between 110–130 cm.
- Flamenco types grow between 100–130 cm.
- Gladdies, a shorter type of gladiolus, grow between 60–90 cm. We offer two varieties: Kelly & Tina.
After flowering: what to do with the bulbs?
Once the flowers have faded, you can cut back the stems. Leave the foliage intact so the bulbs can store energy for the following year. In autumn, before the first frost, dig up the bulbs and store them in a cool, dry place.
Gladiolus are a fantastic addition to any garden. By planting them in the ground in a sunny spot and providing proper care, you’ll enjoy months of vibrant blooms. Avoid planting them in pots to ensure they remain stable and grow to their full potential.
Gladdies gladiolus
These so-called gladdies are shorter gladiolus varieties: Kelly and Tina.